Winter aid continues to be distributed to displaced people in the #مخيمات of northern Syria, where food baskets, insulators, blankets, sponges and brien for heating were distributed

The number of beneficiaries reached more than 1500 families who were distributed to them in the following camps:

Al-Rayyan Camp – Al-Amin Camp – Haraqat Abu Al-Duhur Camp

Al Yaman Camp – Haluba Camp – Zaytoun Camp

Naseem Al-Sham Camp – Kafr Orouk Area Camps – Barisha Region Camps

With a generous donation from Alshaya charity group

Supervision: Humanitarian Relief Society

We continue to provide help to our people in the camps of the North

#الشتاء_الدافئ Campaign

#سوريا #الشمال_السوري