Distribution of Recorded Coronavirus Infection Rates COVID-19 in Northern Syria from the Beginning of August to September 28

* Injuries within the health sector: 631

* Casualties within camps: 5808

* Very high risk areas:

– Area #حارم: 15034.

– Area #ادلب: 9094.

– #عفرين Area: 8217.

* High-risk areas:

– Area #اعزاز: 3649.

– Area #أريحا: 3244.

* Medium Risk Areas:

– #الباب District: 1955.

– #جسر_الشغور District: 1831.

– #جبل_سمعان Zone: 1177.

– #جرابلس Zone: 1080.

Due to the very high population density and overcrowding of displaced people within the camps, coupled with the lack of hygiene and inadequate sanitary conditions, they pose a significant risk to the safety and health of these individuals.

With medicines and equipment in short supply, it has become necessary to provide medical oxygen to the injured.

Syria Response Coordinators